Brandon’s Story
It was a Thursday. April 7, 2016 at 1PM. I heard a knock on the front door. Standing there were two police officers who looked at me and I knew. Just not which child. They said it was Brandon. He died in a car accident heading to work that day. In that instant, my life was changed forever. A knock on the door will never be the same.
I know I’m his Mom but Brandon was an uncommonly kind soul who I always felt was wise beyond his years. His mantra, at just twenty years old, was “Don’t Waste Your Life”. Little did Jon and I know the impact of those words in our lives and in a few short months, the Brandon Tolson Foundation would be born. Our lives had a new purpose – to bring a place of hope to others who have gotten that knock on their front door. In this healing place, we have found our son.
– Candi Tolson

Our Mission
The Brandon Tolson Foundation (BTF) was established to provide emotional support and financial relief to families who have lost a child. The foundation is committed to helping families through all aspects from the initial processes and planning, to forming bonds that will nurture a sense of healing and strength moving forward.
Vision/How We Do This:
BTF assists with the finances of funerals, burials and final resting details, lost wages and medical expenses, guidance with handling accounts/loans, resources for therapy, support meetings and gatherings and special ways to remember our children. The services that we provide are tailored to each family’s needs. We are able to do this because of the very generous support of our surrounding neighbors and community. We raise funds throughout the year, made possible by the enormous gift of our volunteers. We continue to seek to exceed the boundaries of how we can help alleviate the burden to these families who are now where we have been.
We are honoring Brandon’s mantra “Don’t waste Your Life” by transforming our personal grief into a mission of helping others restore hope and healing in their brokenness.
The Brandon Tolson Foundation provides
support, resources, and assistance to families who have suffered the loss of a child.
Support The Foundation
We depend on the support of the community to help provide care for families in need.
Get in touch today and start making the difference.
Annual Bull & Shrimp Roast
April 25, 2025
Martin’s Valley Mansion
Miles of Smiles 5k
May 17, 2025
Cedar Lane Reginal Park
Evan Blood Memorial Concert
September 6, 2025
Wilson Point Men’s Club
Annual Golf Outing
TBD, 2025
Winters Run Golf Club
First Fridays
TBD, 2025
Bel Air
TBD, 2026
Hunt Valley Country Club
The Faces Of Our BTF Families

Eric Adams

James Albright

Jenna Althouse

Megan Ayre

Aurelia Bahr

Christina Bennington

Chelsea Birkmire

Evan Blood

Stephen Bollinger

Dylan Bongiorno

Zachary Born

Christopher Boyd

Kevin Boyd

Tori Brewster

Trinity Brooks

Samiya Brown

Madison Brookshire

Matthew Bruno

Andrew Bryson

Bailey Bullock

TJ Burger

Leila Burton

Anthony Butterworth

Daryll Byrd

Tre Capezio

Daniel Carducci

Sammy Carrow III

Ryan Carter

Jordan Cashmyer

Dana Catalfamo

Adam Caudill

Saffron Chang

Katie Chase

Mackenzie Cheston

Luke Cimino

Jamison Clark

Ryan Cochran

Tyler Costa

Khiree Curry

Cassidy Dameron

Teagan Daniel

Ryder Deacon

Austin Dealagdon

Dan DeMonte

John DeMonte

Lisa DeMonte

Grayson Dewitt

Solomon Diggs

David Lee Dodd

Joel Drawbaugh

Erin Drumm

Nick Eversmier

Brandon Fletcher

Luke Fletcher

Aaron Fox

Maddie Funk

Jason Garcia

Joshua Gelinas

Matt Golczewski

Warren Grant

Cody Green

Danielle Gunson

Drew Haag

Josh Hamer

Emily Heath

Michael Hess

Gabriel Holland

Briana Holloway

Jacob Holmes

Nathaniel Hooley

Matt Hostetter

Ciersten Jackson

Nolan Jackson

Talen Jackson

Kyle Jones

Daniele Julian

Tiffany Karas

Mooks Kenneka

Christopher Kerfoot

Landon King

Katie Klein

Shawn Kopalchick

Karson Kurz

Emily Vaida Lareau

Christopher Laufert

Trevor Lawler

Matthew Leary

Dominic Leilich

Andrew Lingenfelter

Lana London

Alex Lori

Kyle Lynam

Nicholas Marasa

Nolan Mars

Lauren Martin

Vanessa Martin

Tristan Mayse

Emily Mcdowell

K-Von McDowell

Jake McGinnis

Oliver McLanahan

NIkolai Morey

Cody Mulligan

Denver Mullins

Lucy Neppach

David Newell

Penelope Noble

Thomas Ocasio

Tyler Oppel

Christian Osorto

Clayton Parker

Thomas Pfoff

Tyler Pope

Conner Porter

Kenzie Pyles

Trevor Quinn

Sydney Rallo

Amanda Kay Reynolds

Cody Richardson

Sadie Richik

Heather Ripley

Caitlin Rives

Justin Robinson

Jesse Rosario

Ethan Ruefly

Troy Rush

Gavyn Schutz

Faith Scott

Corey Seidel

Anthony Sekulow

Demirah Sellers

Aaron Simpers

Amir Sponaugle

Harper Stapleton

Samantha Starling

Shawn Stauffer Jr.

Will Stocksdale

Robbie Teter

Jessica Tetlow

Brandon Tolson

Marcel Traore

James Ulishney

Eric VanVaulkenburg

Justin Vickers

Stephen Wagner

Darius Walker

Jessica Ward

Beckett Weinert

Brandon Welk

Andrew Wessel

Josie West

Olivia Wetzel

Caroline White

Thailek Willis

Tommy Winkler

Phillip Wolfe III

Tyler Wollenweber

Zachary Wood

Milo Woods

Collin Wyatt